3 Rules of Effective Presentations - Part 2
Rule 2: Effective presentations introduce new material, ideas, and thoughts.
What can you add to enliven your presentation? Play-doh for the audience!
Why not? (I do it all the time.)
Photo courtesy of swallowstudios.
This article is the second in a three-part series.
Your presentation should provoke questions and thoughts. It should not make your audience think, “We’ve seen this before. We know this. Why are we here?”
When presenting new material, don’t let the topic be the only new thing you share. If you’re delivering a a refresher, make it fresh. Below are a few prompts to help you brighten up (and kill boredom in) your presentations:
What's a new question or idea about your topic?
Who can contribute fresh information or thoughts?
What’s a current pop culture reference you can use to draw an analogy?
Can you tell your story through images, videos, or sound?
What’s an activity you can insert into the presentation?