[VIDEO] How to keep YOUR audience interested

How do I keep my audience engaged, especially if we’re on Teams or Zoom?

Virtual meetings are here to stay. The trick to keeping your audience engaged is to be intentional when planning your meeting; don’t just let it be a bunch of talking heads. One of my top tips is in the video above.

Here are 3 of my TOP METHODS to engage your audience on Zoom, Teams, or in any other virtual setting.

1. **Use Icebreakers to Get People Talking**

Start with fun, short, and interactive icebreakers. For example, asking a light-hearted question like “What was your first concert?” can spark conversation, get people laughing, and create a sense of connection. This helps wake up participants and set a positive tone for the meeting

2. **Incorporate Activities**

Instead of just presenting information, make the meeting interactive. Use breakout rooms for group discussions, brainstorming, or problem-solving activities. This helps replicate the in-person experience of collaboration and ensures participants stay actively involved. You can do a Duck Duck Go Search for “meeting activities” or “online meeting activities” - and make sure the actions translate. For instance, a ball-toss will not work via Zoom, but you CAN ask attendees to “throw” to each other: “I’ll pass to Dave…”

3. **Mix Up Your Delivery Style**

Vary your presentation by using videos, polls, and guest speakers. Avoid long monologues—engage your audience by asking open-ended questions and using the chat feature to encourage responses. A dynamic presentation style keeps people focused and interested.

Need help preparing YOUR next meeting? I can help you craft an engaging and fun meeting or workshop. Set up a time to talk with me, or book an hour here and we’ll get you going with methods and tools sure to keep your audience engaged, and ensure a productive meeting!

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


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