[VIDEO] Speaking Wins and Sins - A look back at 2024

Four years after our original #fails video, Randy finally conquers the Home of the Tatcho Bar.

It’s that time of year again, when Randy Ford and I sit down and share the best and worst of speaking from the year. We share our own wins and sins, along with those of other speakers. In 2024, the Democratic National Convention took place in Chicago, so, of course, we had to pick on the public speakers in our hometown.

Some of the 2024 Speaking #wins:

  • Marianna added a pronunciation guide to her bio to make introducing easier for her clients.

  • Randy finally delivered a speech free of flowing cheese at the home of the tatcho bar [*this one is a callback to our very first #fails video of about 5 years ago. The original Tatcho Bar story is below.]

  • Bernie Sanders delivered a fiery, impassioned speech

  • JB Pritzker gave specifics

And some 2024 speaking #sins:

  • Bernie Sanders was light on specifics

  • JB Pritzker dropped his billionaire bona fides right after Bernie’s impassioned everyman speech

  • Marianna shipped candy to a client. The problem? It leaked white powder all over everything.

Public speaking expert Marianna Swallow and writer Randy Ford share their biggest #wins and #sins in speaking.

And if you’d like to hear about the ORIGINAL Tatcho Bar incident (and how it ruined Randy’s speech), check out our #fails video from a few years ago.

Randy vs. The Tatcho Bar.

About The Author

Hi! I’m Marianna. I want to help you get nothing but #wins with your presentations! I make public speaking and presentation skills easier for my clients. My clients have gone on to win promotions and rock their keynotes.

I help with everything from developing your signature talk, to crafting a knockout pitch, to managing anxiety and nerves, to speaking with confidence. In addition to Presentation Skills workshops, I offer executive coaching and Keynote speeches. To learn more, Get in touch.

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


“Should I join Toastmasters or work with a coach?”


[AUDIO] 4 Business #fails