[VIDEO] - Our 6 Favorite Tips of 2020 - Between 2 Speakers
Guest Mike Alongi helped me solve a long-standing problem: Avoiding glasses glare on Zoom. Thanks, Mike! Photo: Swallow Studios.
Our Top 6 Favorite Tips
Time for those year-end lists!
With 2020 being the Tire Fire* that it was, we took the opportunity to work together over Zoom as much as we could. So why not reflect on what we learned?
Randy and I sat down to share our favorite tips from the year.
See the quick video below to see our favorite tips from our guests - and each other. In a rush? Scroll down and read.
* - Tire fire, dumpster fire, clusterf*** - choose your favorite term here.
Mare’s 3 Favorite Speaking Tips
My favorite tips this year were ones that solved problems I’d had for years - whether fixing my bespectacled appearance on Zoom or finally having a low-key and effective speaker to share with my more introverted clients, our guests (and Randy!) helped me level up.
For glasses-wearers on Zoom: Move your light around. A straight-on ring light will give you glare on those specs. Angle your light (see photo, above) or use multiple light sources. (Thanks, Mike!)
For my own speaker bio: Randy taught me to have 2 versions of my bio. Sure, the long, every-single-credential-you’ve-earned version is nice for your website, but it will suck the air out of your speaking engagement.
Write a shorter, tailored-to-the-audience bio for those live (and virtual!) speaking appearances. The audience is there to hear you, not your resumé.For an easy way to connect with the audience off the bat: Open your talk with an anecdote about your topic. Why did you write this book? How do you feel about this subject? What did you discover as you were putting this presentation together? Did you travel for this talk, and did anything interesting happen, related to your talk? Writer and Communications Manager Susan Dennison taught us to speak from the heart: Tell your audience why you are doing this (not “because I have to”) and they’ll connect with you.
Pro tip: Sharing an anecdote does not mean spilling your guts or saying anything that will undercut your credibility. “I’m really excited to talk about the Chicago Indie music scene, because I’ve been a DJ at the community radio station for 5 years” is good. “I’m so nervous because I hate public speaking” is not.
Randy’s 3 Favorite Speaking Tips
Randy’s favorite tips of 2020 helped him present with confidence, get past writer’s block, and think more about what his audience will expect in future presentations.
For owning the room: “Confident speakers are credible speakers,” said communications maven Alyssa Burns. Be confident when you take your stage - even if you don’t feel it. This will inspire confidence in your audience.
For getting past writer’s block when preparing a speech: “Show up and throw up” said Mare during one working session. This is not a criticism of your beautiful, beautiful thoughts; rather, it’s a way to give yourself permission to get everything out of your head, onto paper.
How to do this: grab a piece of paper, or open a blank Word document, and start writing. No censorship, no judgement. It’s all good. No bad ideas. You’ll edit later.
Pro tip: Set a timer for 5 minutes or less to force yourself to think quickly and get your thoughts on paper.For preparing for your audience - especially when Gen Y and Gen Z will be there: Craft your talk so it’s as inclusive as possible. The Equality Institute founder Bernadette Smith taught us Members of Gen Z and Gen Y naturally expect diversity and inclusion to be woven into presentations and learning experiences. It’s on the speaker to work to meet the audience where they are; not vice versa.
Above: Screenshots of our Zoom sessions with our excellent guests. See all B2S video tips on the blog.
“Thank you to our amazing guests! We learned so much from you in 2020.”
About The Author
Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence. Need some coaching, or a workshop? Get in touch.