Top 3 Tips to Project Your Voice Through a Mask
I love presenting and teaching in-person. But ever since July, 2021, I noticed something: I was super exhausted after each presentation or class. I had only been speaking for an hour - why was I so wiped out? Answer: I have to speak and present through a mask.
What Public Speaking - In Person - Looks Like Post-Quarantine
“I haven’t done this in front of an audience in nearly two years,” she said. I told her she was in good company. Earlier this year, I forgot to take a break during a 2-hour workshop. I forgot because it’s been that long since I was in front of a live audience.
How to Visually Tell Someone "I Don't Want to Shake Hands!"
Before your next meeting or conference, ask, “How can I make this easier for attendees?” I had the good fortune to present “The Art of Public Speaking” at a Professional Association’s conference last week. Their preparedness awed me.
How to Get the Most Out of Executive Coaching
5 Ways to get the most bang-for-your-buck in a coaching relationship. Coaching is an investment in you, your career, and your future. Follow these proven techniques to make the learning stick. All 5 tips are simple and take very little time.
[VIDEO] Dealing with that guy who won't stop badgering you for an answer
We all know this character at work: The guy who MUST. HAVE. AN. ANSWER. NOW! Even if you’re not the person with the right answer. Having a strategy is everything - even if you never need it. Presentations Pro Marianna has just the plan for you.
[VIDEO] When You don't know the answer to a question
Public speaking tip and presenting tip: Here’s what to do when you don’t know the answer to a question. Why do we expect everyone in the business world to know the answer to every question? It’s not realistic. Here’s how to prepare for those times when you don’t know.