Your Goal for the New Year: Become a Stronger Speaker
According to Forbes, most new year’s resolutions are about self-improvement, whether it’s personal (read more, get healthier, learn a new language…) or professional (learn TikTok, work with a coach, improve my speaking skills so I can get a promotion…)
Workshops and Coaching Now Available in Charlotte and Chicago
Workshops and coaching are available in Charlotte, Chicago, and nationwide! I’m pleased to announce that effective January 5, 2022, our public speaking, presentation skills, and media coaching will be available in a second home base: Charlotte, NC. Workshops and coaching are always available online and in Chicago, too!
Public Speaking and Presenting Tips for College Students
Whether it’s in Charlotte or Chicago, I often get requests to coach college students. And I always turn them down. Paying me to coach an undergrad is not a good use of your money. Read why here, and where undergrads can go to get public speaking experience.
Top 3 Tips to Project Your Voice Through a Mask
I love presenting and teaching in-person. But ever since July, 2021, I noticed something: I was super exhausted after each presentation or class. I had only been speaking for an hour - why was I so wiped out? Answer: I have to speak and present through a mask.
What Public Speaking - In Person - Looks Like Post-Quarantine
“I haven’t done this in front of an audience in nearly two years,” she said. I told her she was in good company. Earlier this year, I forgot to take a break during a 2-hour workshop. I forgot because it’s been that long since I was in front of a live audience.
How to Visually Tell Someone "I Don't Want to Shake Hands!"
Before your next meeting or conference, ask, “How can I make this easier for attendees?” I had the good fortune to present “The Art of Public Speaking” at a Professional Association’s conference last week. Their preparedness awed me.