2-Minute Tips Back-to-school edition - how speaking up can improve your college (and post-college) life
4 Benefits of Speaking to Your Cohorts and Professors
I’m an adjunct professor of Communications at Loyola University. Most of the courses I teach are required. Most of my students are happily engaged and dive in. There are a few who refuse to participate. No matter which category you fall into, here’s some free advice about why you should talk to everyone in your college life - and how it will help you in the long- and short-term. (ps - If you’d rather read this or watch a video, head to the blog.)
Talk to your instructors.
You’re probably not thinking about those recommendation letters you’re going to need in 1, 3, or 25 years. (Yes, I went to grad school decades after my undergrad.) Listen to why you should get to know your professors.
See those other students around you? Talk to them!
My students over the years have found in each other study buddies, confidantes, and best friends. But those aren’t the only reasons you should lean on each other. Hear the benefits below.
Tips for Managing Group Projects in College
I work for myself now and I still hate group projects. There’s always that one person who says they’re going to do their part, and they just don’t. Set the stage for your group project by establishing a framework early. Listen below.
Speak up! (Again)
This is the corollary to #1. Get to know your professors - but allow them to get to know you. We can’t tell anything about you if you don’t talk to us - or in class.
Need some coaching, but you don’t want to spend time commuting? Read on:
Did you know I offer Power Hour virtual coaching sessions? One hour of coaching for quick feedback on any challenges you have around an upcoming meeting, presentation, training, or speech. My monthly Power Hours fill up fast. Book your spot RIGHT HERE →