5 Hallmarks of a Great speech - Barack Obama edition
When I work with my clients, I often ask them, “Who’s a speaker you admire?” At least 90% of them say, “Barack Obama.” In this short list, I’m taking a look at the speech that put President Barack Obama on the map and showing you the elements that make it a great speech.
“Should I join Toastmasters or work with a coach?”
If you need to improve your public speaking skills, you may want to join Toastmasters, or you may want to hire an executive coach. Which is better - a speaking coach or Toastmasters? Both have their benefits. Here are some facts and observations about each; you get to decide.
[AUDIO] Speak with confidence & eliminate the credibility killers
Too many speakers kill their credibility before the audience has even had a chance to hear them. Learn 3 or more unconscious habits that will kill your credibility in a presentation. In this conversation with Katie Hawkes, You’ll hear about one of my biggest presentation FAILS. (Teaser: It involves a Jenga tower.)
[AUDIO] How speaking with strength helps you get S**t done
I discussed the art of confident speaking with Misha Bleymaier-Farrish on the GSD* Factor podcast. We talked about how speaking with (or without) confidence can truly impact our personal and professional lives.