[VIDEO] 3 Easy Ways to Repurpose Content - Between 2 Speakers
Up your content marketing game and save time when you repurpose!
You spent all that time crafting your deck for a 10-minute presentation. Or you spoke at a conference, and the written text of your speech lays dormant on your C drive. Don’t let this content go to waste! Repurpose it!
This doesn’t mean “run it again exactly as it is.” Re-using the same content with the same words means you might bore your audience.
We’ve got you covered with 3 easy tips. On this episode of Between 2 Speakers, Mare and Randy talk about ways to repurpose your content and keep it interesting.
Be smart about re-utilizing your presentations, your talks, or your stories.
Our Top 3 Tips:
Blog it! Can all or part of your talk become a blog post? An article? Another presentation with a different angle? How about a podcast episode? Use it!
Refocus it! If you’re re-using the same content for a new audience, prepare it with a different focus or theme.
Freshen it! Before you re-use, do some googling: What’s new about your topic? What’s current? Update your pre-used content with new info. Outdated facts and references will sink your credibility.
“When I go to a big event, it hurts me to see all the PowerPoints that are going to wither away…they’re going to be stuck on that random flash drive that’s going to be stuck at that bottom of a bag. And so much work went into that!” ”
Don’t let your presentations, decks, articles, podcasts, anything you create languish on a hard drive somewhere. Repurpose it! Give that content second life, make your job a little easier, and save yourself some time.
Need help developing or re-working a presentation? Get in touch to work with Marianna or Randy.
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About The Author
Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence.
Get in touch if we can help!