[VIDEO] Advice for Speakers from an Event Manager - Between 2 Speakers
Oh, yes. You will be vetted.
On Between 2 Speakers, Mare and Randy have a special guest, Susan Dennsion. As the Communications & Development Manager for the Indian Trails Public Library, Susan has the privilege of vetting speakers for the library’s live and webinar programs.
Susan Zoomed in to tell us what she looks for in a speaker, including her pointers for connecting with an audience live or online.
Some of Susan’s Pro Tips:
Start with an anecdote. If you’re talking about your latest book, open with a story about the inspiration behind that book.
Be mindful of your audience, especially when using slang or idioms that may be outdated. A roomful of kids will likely not grasp your “groovy” references from the 1970s. An audience of non-native English speakers might not understand “it’s raining cats and dogs.”
Be vulnerable without undercutting your credibility. Sharing your challenges is one way to connect with your audience; announcing “I’m nervous!” at the start of a talk is not.
Watch the video for all of Susan’s tips. Need one-on-one help? Feel free to get in touch!
“I’ve sat through some really awesome programs, and I’ve sat through some programs that were really painful…a presenter has mere seconds to catch the audience’s attention. It’s important that it’s done strong.”
About The Author
Hi! I’m Marianna. I make the process of public speaking easier for my clients. I help with everything from preparation to managing anxiety and nerves to speaking with strength and confidence. Get in touch if I can help!