Whiteboards are the unsung heroes of the classroom and the board room.

They are low-key and low-tech. Anyone can use them. They allow you to make a point without having to spend hours creating a chart or an elaborate powerpoint or deck of slides.

California Rep. Katie Porter is a badass with a whiteboard. She uses it as a simple and powerful tool to hold the powerful accountable. (I kind of love her.) (No, I totally love her.)

Rep. Porter’s flair for the whiteboard was featured in the July 21 issue of the New York Times Magazine. She carries a mini-whiteboard in her purse in case she’s ever out and about and needs to illustrate a point. (Now that’s dedication!)

When you hold the marker, you have the stage.
— Malia Wollen, New York Times

My Top 3 Ways to Use A Whiteboard:

  1. Brainstorming.
    Quick, easy, and it lets the audience see in real-time the ideas coming out. It also allows you to see which ideas go together, which don’t, and which need to be eliminated.

  2. Icebreakers.
    Icebreakers are a great way to stimulate conversation and allow people in the room to get to know each other a tiny bit. Your whiteboard is an amazing low-stakes way to do this - and a perfect way to engage introverts or anyone who doesn’t feel like talking at 8 in the morning. (Raising her hand.)

  3. Recapping.
    Adults need to hear a concept 3 times before it sticks. (Why do you think commercials repeat messages so much? ) Writing a point or takeaway in a large spot where everyone can see it will double the senses involved, and it will underscore your message or takeaway. And your visual learners will thank you.

    See examples of each, below:

Need help with your own speech, presentation, or training? Get in touch to work with me. I’ll even use a whiteboard in our workshop!

What to read next:

About The Author

Hi! I’m Marianna. As a Presentations Maven, I make public speaking and presentations easier. In addition to Presentation Skills workshops, I offer executive coaching and Keynote speeches. I often use a whiteboard. To learn more, Get in touch.

Marianna Swallow

Kick-ass public speaking coach. Always fun, always compassionate, always looking to make your presentations easier


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