What I Tell My Clients to Read (and Watch...)
Here are the books and online resources I recommend most often to clients, especially professional women. Amy Cuddy image via TED.com.
Making space for public speaking
Do you see public speaking as a foreboding peak you can barely get over? Or something you can give some space to and maybe even enjoy?
How Are You Perceived? - Tips to Stop Tics
“How do I stop saying ‘um’?” I get this question all the time. Good news: Start with some self-awareness. That’s half the battle!
A "therapist" for public speaking
When clients come to me with issues of nerves or anxiety around public speaking, I tell them, “I’m like a therapist for public speaking.” This gets some raised eyebrows. But stick with me.
How Are You Perceived? - The Unfiltered You
Unfortunately, we can’t copyedit our speeches as we give them, and we probably won’t be able to deliver presentations in sepia tone until 2028. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t have control over how audience perceive you.
How Adults Learn: Repetition.
Public speaking is not so different from teaching. Your audience, much like a high school biology teacher’s, can be made up of reluctant participants. But good news - using the T3 method will help!