How Adults Learn: Repetition.
Public speaking is not so different from teaching. Your audience, much like a high school biology teacher’s, can be made up of reluctant participants. But good news - using the T3 method will help!
How to start your speech
While it seems simple, it’s really easy to forget: Tell the audience who you are, and why they should listen to you.
[VIDEO] What "Bohemian Rhapsody" can teach you about interactivity
Well after the Oscars have finished, I finally saw “Bohemian Rhapsody.” I loved it, but one scene in particular spoke to me.
What a 10-year-old can teach you about presenting
Of course the New York Times headline “PowerPoint is the Most Effective Way for Kids to Manage their Parents” caught my eye. It’s about presentations.
Getting inspired by Esther Perel
I had the pleasure of attending a talk by noted therapist, author, and podcaster Esther Perel. She was engaging, funny, and at one point worried that we weren’t listening, because the whole room was so quiet.