In defense - and praise - of kids on Zoom
A friend received an urgent email from her employer that said: “No kids in the background on Zoom calls!” To which I say: Um, yeah, big fat NO. This is life, people. If you expect people to work from home during a pandemic, you must cut them some slack. Or a lot of slack.
[VIDEO] – Timing tips for your next presentation - Between 2 Speakers
An important (and often overlooked!) component of presenting is timing. How do you account for your speaking time when there are so many other components in your speech? We’ve got you covered with a few quick tips. Make time to plan your timing, and you’ll keep your audience happy.
So You Want to Hire a Public Speaking Coach
Hiring a coach is not like picking up a candy bar when you’re craving chocolate - just grab any one at the store and you’re set! (Chocolate lovers will debate me on this!) Coaching is an investment in you, your career, and your future. Before hiring a coach, here are 5 things to consider before your introductory call.
[VIDEO] - 5 Tips if you *don't* know your audience - Between 2 Speakers
The oldest saw in public speaking is “know your audience.” This is important, but not always realistic. What if your audience contains newbies, non-native English speakers, or people who don’t get your pop culture references? We have some tips for you.
[VIDEO] - Look your best on Zoom - Between 2 Speakers
Chicago video producer Mike Alongi shares his easy do’s and don’ts for video calls. Learn how to avoid the “up the nostrils” look and how a simple desk lamp can make you look good.
[VIDEO] Tips When You're Teaching - Between 2 Speakers
Retired college instructor and filmmaker Toney Merritt shares his teaching tips gleaned from years in the classroom. Mare Swallow, who teaches through the pandemic, talks about the difference between Zoom class and in-person.