2-Minute Tips for Women: Speak with Confidence!
The playing field for women in business still isn’t level. [I call BS.] I’m chipping away at the BS with these quick tips that will instantly strengthen your speech or presentation. Ditch the unconscious communication habits that can hold you back! #womenshistorymonth

2-Minute Tips: Pro Tips For Zoom
It’s past March, 2020, and yet I’m still seeing a lot of chopped-off heads and hearing a lot of noise on those Zoom calls. Just a few tiny adjustments to your camera or sound settings will make you come across crystal-clear on those video calls. Listen in, or click through to submit your own question!

2-Minute Tips: Pro Tips For Fielding Questions
Many speakers feel anxiety about being asked questions. What if I don’t know the answer? What if someone keeps badgering me about something that isn’t my area? I’m spending the month of May answering questions about…questions! Listen in and submit your question!