2-Minute Tips for Wedding Season: Should I Drink Before My Best Man or Maid of Honor Toast?
So you’re the best man. Or maid of honor. Or the person of honor. Or father of the bride…anyway. You’ve gotta make a toast at a wedding. And if you’re wondering, “Is it okay if I [do a shot/drink a few beers/take beta blockers] before I have to speak?” Listen up and learn.

2-Minute Tips: Pro Tips For Group Presentations and Panel Discussions
I was going to talk about freedom in presenting, but instead, a neglected topic: Group presentations! Including panels! And moderators! Too many panels are boring because no one prepared; too many group presentations fall flat. Don’t let this happen to you.

2-Minute Tips: How to Write a Strong Call to Action
This month, inspired by listener Alyssa Burns, we’re talking about your CTA (“Call to Action.”) Too many speakers - and not just novices - leave out their ask. The assumption is, “If I talk about how great X is, they’ll want to [sign up/buy/donate/etc.]” This is not the case.

2-Minute Tips: How to Introduce Yourself (and Other People) Before a Speech
Too often, speakers put everything into their intro. Your aim is to whet the audience’s appetite for your topic; not bore them with a list of every accomplishment. Here’s the right way to write your speaker intro. Similarly, too many introducers don’t prepare. I have fixes for both.