[VIDEO] Our Top 5 Fictional Speakers - Between 2 Speakers
Randy and I love our jobs, and we also love us some pop culture. We believe television shows, movies, and books can teach us useful “do’s” and “don’ts” when it comes to public speaking.
Case Study: VP of CRM Platform Organization
As my client’s responsibilities and visibility grew, he began to struggle in public speaking scenarios: leading meetings, presenting to the C-Suite, or speaking at an event. He struggled with both prepared and impromptu presentations.
How to Use a Whiteboard (And Why and When)
Whiteboards are the unsung heroes of the classroom and the board room. They are low-key and low-tech. Anyone can use them. They allow you to make a point without having to spend hours creating a chart or an elaborate powerpoint or deck of slides.
[Audio] - How to Use Storytelling as a Persuasive Tool
I love telling stories, all the time. At work, with friends, at home, with clients. Honestly, sometimes I think I spend too much time telling stories. Storytelling can be an effective business tool. Stories add impact to you presentations, speeches, and even your negotiations.
[VIDEO] Communicating When You Can't Say Something - With LeeAnn Petersen
What if there are certain things you can’t say at work? I don’t mean the three taboos: Money, Sex, and Religion. I’m talking about when you’re in a sensitive-information area or in a highly-regulated industry. Some things must be kept quiet, confidential, or hidden at all costs, for good reason.
[VIDEO] The Benefits of Vulnerability with Rebecca Anderson
Randy and I sat down with Rebecca to hear more about her process, especially when she teaches storytelling workshops. Her advice on storytelling applies to speaking or presenting, too, so give a listen to our conversation, and learn how to do vulnerability right.