3 Public Speaking “Hacks” That Are Really Myths

In every presentation skills workshop, there’s always someone who asks if they should “picture the audience naked” (because someone told them to). That won’t help. I’ll tell you what to do instead.

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4 back-to-school (speaking) tips for college & university students (from a college instructor)

My 4 top tips for college students - all related to speaking and talking. It’s that time of year again Yep. Back to school. Take my advice and do 4 simple things that will have a payoff throughout your college career. Enjoy. And do this stuff. It’ll make your college life easier

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5 Ways Stand-Up Comedy makes you a better presenter

I took a stand-up comedy class. I did it mostly because it was the one art form I had never tried. I also thought it would be scary as hell. (It was.) As I observed my own journey with its frustrations, successes, and joys, I noticed the lessons I learned were applicable to corporate or workplace presentations, and public speaking.

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3 Reasons Why You Have Speaking Anxiety (And What to Do About It)

Wonder why you get nervous when you have to speak? Do presentations at work make your nerves kick into high gear? Being nervous is normal. A bit of anxiety or nerves (aka stage fright) before presenting is indeed normal, and even good. Here’s how to manage it.

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I Get Nervous When I Speak (too): My Stand-Up Journey - Summer 2022

I approach each client and each job with empathy. But now, I can bring even more empathy. Starting this week, I’m taking a stand-up comedy class. And I’m going to chronicle the experience here each week with personal videos, sharing my journey.

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3 Tips to Write a Better Speaker's Bio

Your speaker bio (aka, your Introduction) serves 3 purposes: 1) To establish cred. Your audience wants to know that you know what you’re talking about. What’s your background? Why are you the person to speak about this? How do we know you bring…

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