2 ways to make public speaking + PRESENTATIONS easier in 2024

I love this time of year because I get to hear from and meet new people - people who want to become more confident, polished speakers. One thing we often overlook is, how can we use what MAKES us COMFORTABLE to support our public speaking? Below are two tips I share with just about every client. Give these a try:

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3 Easy ways to speak with confidence

I’m happy to report I’ve had great success in helping my clients speak confidently. Becoming a confident speaker is a process, and it takes practice. You won’t become a rockstar speaker in an hour, but there are some things you can do to help boost your confidence at presentation time.

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[AUDIO] How preparation helps you with negotiation

I was so happy to reconnect with Kwame Christian of the American Negotiation Institute. We sat down to talk about why prepartion matters, and how it can be the difference between a strong, confident, persuasive speech, and a weak, unprepared one.

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[VIDEO] How to look (and sound!) Good on Zoom (Or Any Virtual Meeting) - Part 3

How you sound on virtual meetings (or interviews!) is as important as how you look. Clunky, distracting, or noisy sound can kill a good impression and muddle your message. Check out these 3 easy tips for sounding better on Zoom, and see which microphone and riser I recommend to sound your best!

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[AUDIO] How speaking with strength helps you get S**t done

I discussed the art of confident speaking with Misha Bleymaier-Farrish on the GSD* Factor podcast. We talked about how speaking with (or without) confidence can truly impact our personal and professional lives.

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[VIDEO] Our FAVORITE Speaking and Presenting #fails and #follows of 2022

Yes, it’s 2023, but it’s worth a look back at some #fails (screw ups) and #follows (things we liked) from 2022. I’m happy to say that neither one of us committed any presenting faux pas this past year. Spoiler alert: midterm callback. :)

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